Author Archives: Kyla

About Kyla

Kyla Landon is a registered early childhood educator (RECE) based out of Toronto, Ontario. She completed her ECE diploma in 2010, followed by a BA in early childhood studies and psychology in 2013. Currently, Kyla works as a RECE with children ages 18-24 months.

Back to School

This post references a news article that discusses back to school stress and some tips on how parents can identify what their children are feeling. It also touchs upon the usefulness of social networks for staying in communication with teachers and other parents in the school community. Does your school age child have the back […]

How to stay school ready during summer holidays

How to stay school ready during summer holidays

In this blog post I address the topic of how to stay school ready during summer holidays and offer a few manageable tips parents can implement with their school age children. It’s the ongoing question – How do we let our children enjoy their summer break while remaining mentally in gear for the pending school year? […]

Impact of parent involvement on child development

A brief summary of Urie Bronfenbrenner’s theory on child development and the impact of parent involvement. As many of us have already figured out, children do not exist in their own tiny bubble unaffected by family, peers, teachers and community culture. In fact it is quite the opposite. We understand that our children and students are greatly […]