The Basic Elements Your Website Needs to Drive More Parent Inquiries

The Basic Elements Your Website Needs to Drive More Parent Inquiries

The Basic Elements Your Website Needs to Drive More Parent Inquiries

00:00 / 29:06

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These days every school has a website. Websites provide parents, students, teachers, and the wider community access to a ton of information about that school. But simply having a website doesn’t mean it is providing what you need it to provide.

Today, we offer you a different way to think about your school website. Instead of seeing it as an archive of information, we invite you to think of your website as a portal for attracting new families to your school. If you include a few basic elements on your website, you can efficiently attract and connect with the interested parents in your community.

On this episode you’ll hear:

The value of parent inquiries

The ideal ways to communicate with prospective families

How you should design your home page

Some simple first steps to take as you begin to redesign your website

If you are ready to upgrade your website to increase parent inquiries about your school, then this is one episode you won’t want to miss.



10 Sure-Fire Ways to Increase Enquiries From Your Website